At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about When To Seek Medical Attention For Sunburn. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sunburn treatment: Do I need medical attention? - Mayo …
    Consult a doctor for sunburn treatment if: The sunburn is severe — with blisters — and covers a large portion of your body; The sunburn is accompanied by a high fever, headache, severe pain, dehydration, confusion, nausea or chills; You've developed a …

Sunburn: First aid - Mayo Clinic
    Take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) …

Sunburn - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

    Sunburn - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic
      Diagnosing sunburn generally includes a physical exam. Your health care provider might also ask about your symptoms, current medications, UV exposure and sunburn history. If …

    10 Dos and Don’ts to Treat Sunburn at Home—and When …
      Seek immediate care if you experience these symptoms after a sunburn: Fatigue Nausea Dizziness Headache With a severe sunburn, you may be in danger of dehydration, especially …

    Quick Dose: When Should I See a Doctor for Sunburn?
      Once you notice sunburn, immediately seek shade or go indoors to prevent further damage. Signs that your burns are significant include painful redness, peeling and blisters. For most, the pain …

    When Sunburn Requires a Visit to the Doctor - Baptist Health
      Like sunburn, sun poisoning can last for several days. It, too, may be accompanied by fever and nausea, along with headaches. While it can and often does subside on its own, sun poisoning …

    How to Tell If Your Sunburn Might Actually Need Medical …
      You have flu-like symptoms If your sunburn is accompanied by a high fever, a headache, severe pain, dehydration, confusion, nausea, or chills, you should consult your …

    Sunburn: When to See Your Doctor | UPMC HealthBeat
      Occasionally, severe sunburns require medical attention. Learn when it’s time to see a doctor about your sunburn. Caring for a Minor Sunburn Most of us are familiar with …

    Got Sun? When to Seek Urgent Care for a …
      Those who experience a severe sunburn should consider seeking medical treatment. How is Sunburn Connected to Heat-Related Illnesses? While sunburn is a common …

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