At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Withholding Medical Treatment For Religious Reasons. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.
Blood Transfusions and Medical Care against Religious …
- Forty-six states have statutes that allow parents to use their religious beliefs as a defense against prosecution for withholding medical treatment from their children. In the Child Abuse Prevention Treatment Act of 1996, Congress legislated that there was no federal …
Withholding medical care for religious reasons - PubMed
- Withholding medical care for religious reasons. Withholding medical care for religious reasons J Relig Health. Winter 1984;23(4):268-82. doi: 10.1007/BF00991387. Author …
Withholding medical care for religious reasons
- Stimulated by publicity over lawsuits involving parents of children who had died from deprivation of medical care, this article is a survey of the beliefs of religious groups that …
When Can Parents Deny Medical Care to Children
- Adults have the right to refuse their own medical care for religious or personal reasons. However, this legal right to refuse medical care does not extend to their children if it …
Conflicts Between Religious or Spiritual Beliefs and …
- The HHS revised its position, taking a neutral stance, when the act was reauthorized in 1983: “Nothing in this part should be construed as requiring or …
Children's Medical Treatment and Parents …
- Religion is only one of several reasons that parents may use for keeping their child from undergoing a medical treatment. Safety concerns and personal …
Religious Objections to Medical Care - Pediatrics
- Parents sometimes deny their children the benefits of medical care because of religious beliefs. In some jurisdictions, exemptions to child abuse and neglect laws …
How religion can interfere with medical treatment | CNN
- Christian Scientists believe that the primary method of healing should be through prayer, and many members have in the past been against modern medical …
Most states' child abuse and neglect laws …
- But in 34 states (as well as the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico), there are exemptions in the civil child abuse statutes when medical treatment for …
Refusal of Medical Treatment on Religious Grounds
- There is no specific state statute addressing the refusal on religious grounds, by a parent or guardian, to allow a blood transfusion for a minor. There are a number of …
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