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Word salad Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    word salad noun 1 psychology : unintelligible, extremely disorganized speech or writing manifested as a symptom of a mental disorder (such as schizophrenia) Damage to Wernicke's area can result in the loss of semantic associations … . Trying to speak …

Word salad - Wikipedia

    Word salad | definition of word salad by Medical dictionary
      word salad. A mixture of neologisms, words and phrases that lack meaning. Word salads are characterised by loosening of associations, shifting of topics that may progress …

    Making Sense of Word Salad | Merriam …
      Word salad is defined as “a jumble of extremely incoherent speech as sometimes observed in …

    Definition and Examples of Word Salad
      The metaphorical expression word salad (or word-salad) refers to the practice of stringing together …

    Disorganized Speech Symptoms, Signs & Causes - MedicineNet
      Disorganized speech can take many forms, including repetition of words or phrases, nonsensical speech, the invention of new words (neologisms), the appearance of speaking with people who are not there, pressured or rushed speech, jumbled speech (word salad), or other forms of incoherent speech.

    Examples of Word Salad: Understanding …
      This is part of the official word salad definition. This phrase is used to describe incoherent, nonsensical speech linked with certain health conditions, some of which are …

    Word salad (mental health) - Medical Dictionary
      word salad. [ werd sal´ad] an incoherent jumble of words and neologisms, such as that observed in advanced schizophrenia; called also schizophasia. Miller-Keane …

    Word salad - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
      Word salad - Idioms by The Free Dictionary word salad Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Wikipedia . word salad Confused, unintelligible, muddled speech …

    Narcissist Word Salad – Definition, Examples and …
      What is Word Salad? Originally, the term “word salad” was applied to people who were suffering from psychological and/or neurological conditions. For example, when …

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