At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Workplace Medicals. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Workplace Medical Corp.
    At Workplace Medical, we utilize a three-step process (Prevent, Respond, Return-to-Work), as well as a unique software solution, to keep employees safe and …

WorkMed | WorkMed - Intermountain …
    Through a coordinated network of 13 clinics integrated into Intermountain Healthcare's more than 180 primary care locations, our occupational health services are focused on industrial injury care, …

WMC Ottawa Occupational Health Clinic
    Occupational Health Clinic. We offer a broad range of services from pre-placement medical exams, independent assessments, to immunization and medical surveillance programs. Our clinics are …

Pre-Employment Medical Assessments | KINNECT
    KINNECT employs an expert team of Occupational Physicians and Occupational Health Doctors to support your business and keep your employees safe. All medical results are …

Accredited Workplace Medicals | PTS & Safety
    Workplace Medicals are a mandatory requirement in many industries. As a result, the safety of each employee and those around them is important. For example, pre …

Guidance for employers on statutory medical …
    What regulations require employers to ensure employees undertaking certain work activities with specified hazards have suitable medicals? The Ionising Radiations Regulations …

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