At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Wrights Medical International. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Wright Medical Group N.V. | a global medical device …
    Wright Medical Group N.V. is a global medical device company focused on Extremities and Biologics. We are a recognized leader of surgical solutions for the upper extremities …

Worldwide Locations - Wright Medical Group
    WRIGHT Medical Italy S.r.l. Parco 47 20853 BIASSONO (MB) tel: 039 22018.1 fax: 039 2322037. Ireland. Wright Medical Hartnett’s Cross, Macroom County Cork Ireland. ...

Wright Worldwide Distributors - Wright Medical Group
    Regional Vice President – Asia Pacific Kenneth Tang VP, Regional Sales, Asia Pacific +852 3975 2258 [email protected]

Wright Medical Group, Inc. -- Company History
    Wright medical devices are designed to replicate the natural motion of the body and to provide stability; the company offers implant parts in a variety of shapes and sizes so that …

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