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Due Process in Medical Education: Legal Considerations
    In Horowitz, discussed subsequently, the student alleged that dismissal from medical school “deprived her of ‘liberty’ by substantially impairing her opportunities to continue her medical education or to return to employment in a medically related field.” 1 …

Court Reverses Decision on Dismissed …
    September 3, 2019. A federal appeals court last week reversed a decision by a lower court on a student's expulsion. Julien Endres was dismissed by …

Can I sue my medical school for wrongful dismissal? - Avvo
    1 attorney answer. As your question involves Education rather than Legal Ethics, I moved it so you could get more relevant responses. You indicated you were …

    Medical school dismissals at public universities must comply with 14 th Amendment Due …

Taking Legal Action after Dismissal | Student Doctor …
    Reaction score. 1,943. Feb 11, 2014. #6. Smiths11 said: I won't go into too much detail, but I want the board's opinion on this matter. I was dismissed from school …

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