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Xantheose | definition of Xantheose by Medical dictionary
    the·o·bro·mine. An alkaloid resembling caffeine and theophylline in its action and chemical structure, prepared from the dried ripe seed of Theobroma cacao or made synthetically; formerly used widely as a diuretic, myocardial stimulant, dilator of coronary …

Xantheose - definition of Xantheose by The Free Dictionary
    ( ˌθiːəʊˈbrəʊmiːn; -mɪn) n (Pharmacology) a white crystalline slightly water-soluble alkaloid that occurs in many plants, such as tea and cacao: formerly used to treat …

Xanthema | definition of Xanthema by Medical dictionary
    xanthoma [ zan-tho´mah] a papule, nodule, or plaque in the skin due to lipid deposits; it is usually yellow, but may be brown, reddish, or cream colored. Microscopically, the …

Xanthemia | definition of xanthemia by Medical dictionary
    [ hi″per-kar″ah-tĕ-ne´me-ah] an elevated level of carotene in the blood, resulting from excessive ingestion of carotenoids or from decreased ability to convert …

Xanthelasma | definition of xanthelasma by Medical …
    xan·the·las·ma pal·pe·bra·rum. soft, yellow-orange plaques on the eyelids or medial canthus, the most common form of xanthoma; may be associated with low-density …

Xanthene | definition of xanthene by Medical dictionary
    xan·thene ( zan'thēn ), 1. The basic structure of many natural products, drugs, dyes (for example, fluorescein, pyronin, eosins), indicators, pesticides, antibiotics, etc. 2. A class of …

Xantheose Medical Definition | Day of Difference an alkaloid prepared from dried ripe seed of the tropical American tree Theobroma cacao, or made synthetically …

Xanthine | definition of xanthine by Medical dictionary
    xanthine (zăn′thēn′, -thĭn) n. 1. A yellowish-white, crystalline purine base, C 5 H 4 N 4 O 2, that is a precursor of uric acid and is found in blood, urine, muscle tissue, and certain …

Xanthenes - definition of Xanthenes by The Free Dictionary
    n. A yellow crystalline organic compound, C 13 H 10 O, that is soluble in ether and is used as a fungicide and in organic synthesis. The structural unit of xanthene is a feature in …

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