At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Yonsei University Medical Center Severance Hospital. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Severance Hospital | Yonsei University …
    Yonsei Cancer Hospital started from Severance Yonsei Cancer Center, which was established in 1969 as South Korea’s first cancer center. Yonsei Cancer Hospital, …

Overview | Severance Hospital
    Yonsei University Health System is comprised of the following: Severance Hospital (including 5 specialized Hospitals, International Health Care Center, Severance …

Contact Us | Severance Hospital
    Address. Severance Hospital 250. Seongsanno. (134 Sinchon-dong), Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea. When dialing from overseas, please remove the first zero and add 82-2 to …

Yonsei University Health System
    YONSEI UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM The Best. The best healthcare institution customers can trust Yonsei University Health System(YUHS) will strive to be a …

Severance Hospital
    Severance Yonsei University Health System Severance Hospital. Yonsei Cancer Hospital; Severance Cardiovascular Hospital; Severance Children's …

Severance Hospital - Wikipedia
    Severance Hospital is a teaching hospital located in Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun District, South Korea. It is one of the oldest and biggest university hospitals in South Korea . It …

Overview | Yonsei Cancer Hospital
    Yonsei Cancer Hospital started from Severance Yonsei Cancer Center, which was established in 1969 as South Korea’s first cancer center. Yonsei Cancer Hospital, which …

Medical Service | Severance Hospital
    A family medicine-oriented clinic supported by University Hospitalspecialists. The Primary Care Clinic at the International Health Care Center is a family medicine-oriented clinic. …

Yonsei University College of Medicine
    Severance Yonsei University Health System Severance Hospital. Yonsei Cancer Hospital; Severance Cardiovascular Hospital; Severance Children's Hospital; Severance EYE …

Severance Hospital | Treatment in South Korea | Medical …
    Severance Hospital has a separate oncology center that was renovated 7 years ago. There is also a rehabilitation center, cardiovascular, ENT and children’s hospitals, an …

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