At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Youngest Female Medical Doctor. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Oldest and Youngest Doctors by Specialty
    5. Sports Medicine (Surgical) This orthopedic subspecialty is made up of 79% of doctors under 55. Recognized in 1992, surgical sports medicine is projected to make up an estimated 4% of all physicians and …

8 of the Youngest People to Become Doctors Ever -
    Balamurali Ambati. Age: 17. Medical School: Mount Sinai School. Type: M.D. …

The World’s Youngest Doctors and the Med Schools They Attended

    8 of the Youngest Surgeons in the World -
      Akrit Jaswal. Age: 7. Medical School: Punjab University–India. Type: BSc. Specializes: …

    Did 23-Year-Old Ava Roberts Become the 'Youngest Female …
      Claim: A 23-year-old woman named Ava Roberts has become "the youngest female African-American doctor."

    10 Youngest Doctors in the World | Kansas …
      Rachael Faye Hill. Deciding on a medical career at age 10, Rachel Faye Hill achieved her goal at age 22 in 2010, claiming the title of Britain’s youngest doctor from Heenal Raichura. Her outstanding progress through the …

    10 Youngest People Ever to Achieve a Doctorate …
      Thus, communication and control belong to the essence of man’s inner life, even as they belong to his life in society.”. 4. Ruth Lawrence – 17. In 1985, at the tender age of 13, Ruth Lawrence …

    Young physicians: What's it like to become a doctor at age 22?
      At 22, she is one of the youngest physicians in the United States, according to the Georgia Campus-Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine in Suwanee. …

    Meet Dr Thakgalo Thibela (21) - the youngest active …
      At just 21, Dr. Thakgalo Thibela is one of the yougest medical doctors in South Africa. Supplied. At the age of 21, many people are still trying to figure themselves out in terms of their career paths. Dr Thakgalo …

    5 Trailblazing Female Doctors Who Changed The …
      1) Dr. Jane Cooke Wright. Image: National Library of Medicine. A true female trailblazer in the medical field, she was borne from a family of incredible individuals, including her father, Louis Tompkins …

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