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Zygomatic arch | definition of zygomatic arch by Medical …
- zy·go·mat·ic arch ( zī'gō-mat'ik ahrch) [TA] The arch formed by the temporal process of the zygomatic bone as it joins the zygomatic process of the temporal bones. Synonym (s): zygoma (2) . Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 …
Zygomatic arch Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
- Medical Definition zygomatic arch noun : the arch of bone that extends along the front or side of the skull beneath the orbit and that is formed by the union of the …
Zygomatic arches | definition of zygomatic arches by …
- zy·go·mat·ic arch. [TA] the arch formed by the temporal process of the zygomatic bone that joins the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. Synonym (s): arcus …
Zygomatic arch | anatomy | Britannica
- zygomatic arch, bridge of bone extending from the temporal bone at the side of the head around to the maxilla (upper jawbone) in front and including the zygomatic (cheek) bone …
Zygomatic Arch (Zygoma, Cheek Bone): …
- Zygomatic Arch Definition. The zygomatic arch, cheek bone, or zygoma are all interchangeable …
Zygomatic arch Definition & Meaning |
- noun Anatomy. the bony arch at the outer border of the eye socket, formed by the union of the cheekbone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. QUIZ Smoothly step …
Medical Definition of Arch, zygomatic - MedicineNet
- Arch, zygomatic: The bone that forms the prominence of the cheek. The zygomatic bone is also known as the zygoma, the zygomatic arch, malar bone, yoke …
Medical Definition of Zygomatic arch -
- The zygomatic arch is also known as the zygomatic bone, the zygoma, the malar bone, the cheek bone and the yoke bone. The word "zygomatic" comes from the …
Zygomatic arch - definition of zygomatic arch by The …
- zygomatic arch n. The bony arch in vertebrates that extends along the side or front of the skull beneath the eye socket and that is formed by the zygomatic bone and the …
Zygoma - Medical Dictionary
- Arch, Zygomatic Arches, Zygomatic Bone, Cheek Bone, Jugal Bone, Malar Bones, Cheek Bones, Jugal Bones, Malar Cheek Bone Cheek Bones Jugal Bone Jugal Bones Malar …
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